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Equine protozoal encephalomyelitis is a complex disease with many presentations. On top of that, diagnostics and treatment options aren't entirely straight-forward. Check out 'EPM Practice Tips' pdf to help navigate this topic!

As always, if you have more questions, send Dr. Humphreys a message!

EPM Practice Tips
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Magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and chloride

Have you ever wondered how you would go about treating any of these electrolyte derangements? Or, what might result in these electrolytes becoming dangerously high or low? Check out this handout for tips on deciding what form, and how much, of each of these electrolytes to give.

I realize that most veterinarians don't get excited about this topic like I do, so I tried to boil it all down to a few bullet points for each electrolyte. Please let me know if you have questions after looking this over.

Electrolytes 2 cheat sheet pdf
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Did you know that rapid correction of severe hyper- or hyponatremia can cause permanent neurologic deficits?

Fortunately, dysnatremias aren't very common in large animal practice. But, it's essential to know how to safely correct sodium in these cases.

Here's a handout for easy reference for the next time you have a large animal patient with hypo- or hypernatremia. And if you still have questions about the process after reading through this, don't hesitate to ask!

Na calculation cheat sheet
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Clinical approach to camelids, part 1

Clinical approach to camelids, part 1

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